![Gas absorption heat pumps rebates in Colorado](https://3937356.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hub/3937356/hubfs/banner-home/ROBUR-Gas-absorption-heat-pumps-rebate-in-colorado.jpg?length=20&name=ROBUR-Gas-absorption-heat-pumps-rebate-in-colorado.jpg)
Gas absorption heat pumps rebates in Colorado
US-based energy provider Black Hills Energy is making a major subsidy for gas-fired absorption heat pumps in Colorado in the commercial and residential sectors. Below are some details of the operation; however, refer to the Black Hills Energy website.
Commercial rebate - General Eligibility
For further information: blackhillsenergy.com > commercial-rebates
- Participant must be a current Black Hills Energy commercial or industrial natural gas customer located in Colorado.
- Projects must be completed between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Applications for work done in 2024 must be received by January 31, 2025.
- Where applicable, energy-efficiency ratings must comply with those listed in the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) directory found at www.ahridirectory.org.
- This program is subject to regulatory rules and orders, and Black Hills Energy reserves the right to change or to end any portion of this program without notice.
- A final, itemized invoice for all materials and labor related to the installation must be attached to this rebate application. Labor charges for self-installed jobs are not eligible for rebates. All equipment must be new. No reconditioned or used equipment would qualify for a rebate.
- Applications must be completed in full; incomplete or incorrect applications will delay processing and may be returned.
- Funding for these rebates is limited. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional information or assistance in completing your rebate application can be obtained by calling 888-567-0799 or emailing bherebates@a-tec.com.
Residential rebate - General Eligibility
For further information: blackhillsenergy.com > residential-rebates
- Applicant must be a current Colorado residential natural gas customer of Black Hills Energy.
- Homes less than 5 years old may participate in the Residential New Construction program or apply for furnace and water heater rebates through the Residential Rebates program.
- Purchase and installations must be completed between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024. Applications for work done in 2024 must be received by Jan. 15, 2025.
- Rebates are available for equipment and insulation installed in heated living spaces only. Equipment or insulation installed in garages or shops are not eligible for rebates.
- Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The program will end when the budget is depleted. Funds are limited.
- This program is subject to regulatory rules and orders. Black Hills Energy reserves the right to change or to end any portion of this program without notice.
- To avoid delay, the dealer invoice returned with your rebate application must include manufacturer, model and serial numbers, efficiency rating, date of installation, and installation address. Equipment cost, labor and tax must be itemized. Labor charges for self-installed jobs are not eligible for rebates.
- Where applicable, energy efficiency ratings must comply with those listed in the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) directory found at www.ahridirectory.org. All space heating equipment needs to bear the AHRI certified mark. All water heaters must either include AHRI certification or be listed as an ENERGY STAR qualified equipment.
- Checks will be made payable to customer shown on invoice.
- To qualify for the rebate, heating equipment must meet minimum efficiency requirements as listed in this application and Black Hills Energy must provide the main heat source fuel. If Black Hills Energy does not provide the main heat source fuel no heating measure, thermostat, or insulation rebates are eligible.